Monday, June 25, 2018

3D Personal Project - Buttercup The Cybernetic Dog

For this project I decided to go the creature route and work on modeling a cybernetic dog based on a concept that I found that was created by Elkhan Kildibekov. I chose this project so that I could practice my hard surface skills as well as work on creature stuff, plus I really love the concept.

Initial Plan
Week 01 - Blockout
Week 02 - High Poly
Week 03 - UV and Start Texture
Week 04 - Finalize Textures

So the initial plan for this one sort of went out the window and I've been playing catch up. I got Buttercup to a point where I'm pretty happy with the direction it's going in, I'm just gonna need a bit more time to add hair cards for fur and polish things up a bit.

3D Personal Project - Daft Punk

I'm currently working on a collaboration with Bryan where I create the characters and environment and he's going to animate them usi...